For the beginners, English has always been a confusing language. But it is not that much confusing at all, if you hold knowledge of grammar. Raise your hands, who always start sentences with it a number of times. There would be many of you thinking over that should start a sentence with it or not. If not, then why? Here, we are going to emphasize on the above-mentioned subject.
It is a bad habit and can even make your
readers a bit lethargic. No doubt, it makes your sentence clumsy as
well as leads to believe that the writer is not good in writing. The
three most essential reasons are being shared indicating to stop using IT at the starting of a sentence.
1. Buried Subject –
When you start sentences with IT, the main subject of the sentence is
buried that readers may identify later. The term “Main/real subject” is
not indicating towards Noun or Pronoun, but the real idea, person, place
or thing. To put in simple words, adding “IT” at the beginning of the
sentence may hide the importance of a particular idea on which you wish
to emphasize.
Let’s understand this Example –
- It is a bit tough task to find a good deal on a property.
- To find a good deal on a property is a bit tough task.
- Finding a good deal on a property is a bit tough task.
The above-mentioned sentence does not
let the readers understand the main purpose unless he/she go through the
whole sentence. The last two sentences have been started with the
rhetorical subject, which is more direct and easy to understand.
2. Redundancy –
Why you should make your writing boring by stuffing unnecessary words
like IT? Avoiding IT in the start means you are clear with your thought
as well as hold good command over grammar. Instead of choosing
grammatical subjects, it sounds good to choose rhetorical subjects.
Avoiding use of “IT” helps to pay attention over using the most specific
subject to make sentences very clear. By placing the rhetorical
subject, redundancy can be eradicated easily. Not only in the starting,
but make sure if possible to remove “IT” used in the mid of the
3. Context Confusion–
Sometimes, writers use the word IT when they do not wish to disclose
the identity of the subject or readers already knows about the subject.
In case, if your readers do not know about the subject, you need to
explain the context of your statement.
For Example –
You visit your father’s office first
time and do not anything about the new age machinery installed there.
Suddenly, you come back to your dad and say “It is difficult for me.”
Though, the grammatical subject has been used here but still the context
is not cleared. It is hard for your dad to understand what is difficult
for you. Here, you need to clear the context for that you used the term
IT. It means you have to say like this “Making Coffee is difficult for
me.” To put in simple words, avoid using IT if your readers do not know about the context or if it has not been cleared earlier.
So, keep learning the rules of Grammar to sophisticate your writing skill. Always have in mind “Practices Makes Perfect.”
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