Grammar checker

The English language is the most spoken language all over the world and there are people around the work who do all their jobs in this language.

Grammar check

Wrong use of any language becomes a reason of joke for many people and English is a kind of language where people become really judgemental as this is one of the most spoken languages in the world.

Grammar checker online

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

English Grammar and Spelling

English is one of the most interesting languages to learn as most of the people around the globe speak in this language thus it comes with an opportunity to converse with people who are living in the different parts of the world.

How to Improve Your Spelling?

Do you always want to have someone to spell check for your content? If yes!!! You need to work on it to improve.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Improve Your Writing Skills with Five Self-Editing Tips


Editing is an important part when it comes to writing. Writing from scratch takes time but editing your writing to improvise is doubled effort. It sounds like a tedious task as you have to go through each word and line to rectify. For this, overlooking your own mistakes is a big no.


Make a checklist first


First, start with a plan. The checklist is simple where you identify the possible areas where your writing can go wrong. Finding the shortcomings is tougher than coming up with a solution. All you require is a meticulous mind and technique to Grammar check the content to detect the editable parts.  


·         Grammar and spellings: Checking grammatical errors and spellings all by yourself is arduous to accomplish. You can take the help of a Grammar checker that works online. Use the online platform to rectify the errors and reflect optimal grammatical quality. In this way, you can save a lot of time to utilize in other finding ways to edit. 


·         Vocabulary check: If the vocabulary used in the content is hard to comprehend, the reader starts losing interest. It is a practical problem for which most writings need editing essentialities. Check this aspect and keep it as one of the vitals in the checklist.


·         Content clarity: The last thing to consider in the checklist is the overall content. Be it the tone or clarity of the passage, you need to keep a careful eye on it. Monotonous and long sentences are a big no as it bores the reader.   


Five helpful tips:


1.      Ten percent rule


In the book, On Writing, Stephen King explained the “ten percent rule.” Here, he advises the writer to cut down ten percent of the written content to make it crisp. It will easily eliminate the fluff of the writing and unnecessary sentences. However, deleting is not the only option; you can modify the content after checking the first draft. 


2.      Think of the audience


A writer writes for the audience. The content should always focus on the mindset of the reader. Be it the language or the tone of the writing; you need to edit it by thinking from a reader’s perspective. It yields a better outcome. 


3.      Readout loudly


Reading the content, you are about to edit in a loud voice helps in catching the faults easily. It works effectively compared to a silent read. By hearing the voice and tone of your written content, you can easily identify the areas to work on.


4.      Sleeping break


Making a draft write-up takes time. Immediately checking the same content written by you makes you overlook the flaws. Thus, it is better to take a break or a nap to clear the mind. Re-read the content to edit after taking the break, and you will notice the change yourself.


5.      Using resources


Remembering every grammatical rule is almost impossible for everyone, including students. People often neglect grammatical nuances while speaking English. But you cannot afford to risk it while writing. A write-up needs to be perfect in terms of grammar and spelling. An online checking resource to fix grammatical mistakes is what you require the most.


Summing up


Reading the above will help you come up with a systematic approach to resolve self-editing tasks. Follow the checklist and the five tips and outshine among your readers. 


Monday, 5 July 2021

Identify Errors with Spell Checker


Software for the detection of grammatical errors is extremely useful for non-technical people. Such tools help individuals to improve their writing skills by pointing out their errors and mistakes. With these powerful means, you will be able to minimize the occurrence of typos. You may opt for manual proofing of your documents. With the help of appropriate editing software, you will see a significant reduction of time for getting hold of grammatical errors.


Useful tool


Run the Spell Check obtainable on for catching mistakes automatically as you work. You will be able to gain mastery with a few clicks. 


1.      Time-saving aspect


If you lead a hectic life, then these editing tools will prove to be extremely handy. They can make the entire correction process a lot easier. No longer will you be required to take the resort of library books for proofreading your work. You will not need to get in touch with a technical person for this purpose. This will help you save time, but you will also be saving from the monetary perspective. Use spell checker for detection of errors faster.


2.      Building strong foundation


The online editing tools will help you to develop a powerful foundation in English. The entire contents will be broken down into several parts. Grammatical errors will be identified. These tools prove to be a boon because they assist in improving the knowledge of this language. The editing software you have in mind should be easy to use, irrespective of the existing skill level. 

3.      Gain an understanding of the rules


Some individuals opine that grammar does not play a significant role in modern times. This is because of the growing popularity of texting. People nowadays use abbreviations or slang terms. In the fast-paced world, individuals do not have adequate time in their hands for worrying about misplaced modifiers. Their task becomes easier when they get to choose from a wide range of digital images. However, this is not acceptable in the professional field.


4.      Project an intelligent look


Irrespective of whether you are looking for a job or thinking of marketing products people's perception is impacted by the way you speak or write. You will be perceived as a professional if you have an outstanding grasp of grammatical skills. Lack of grammar skills is often regarded as a careless attitude. This can even turn off the clients. 


5.      In a leadership role


When you assume a leadership position, you would need to interact with others. They require clear instructions. Otherwise, they will not be able to perform efficiently. If you want to receive a college education, having an extensive knowledge base will go a long way. These skills will help you to write quality assignments. Errors in the textual contents will detract the audience from the central message. 


Taking a careful approach


Get to know about the advanced tools available for grammar checking by conducting a detailed study using online resources. The software should be known for its precision and accuracy. You should always take a close look at the testimonials of clients before making a decision. 



Thursday, 1 July 2021

Scan Your Work Like A Pro With Grammar Check


Do you realize the crucial role played by proofreading? This is an important aspect of the editing process where one re-reads her piece of writing to catch mistakes. Such errors may be grammatical, typos, or related to formatting. Such an act can be carried out independently or done through a professional editor. This activity is shelved aside for the final phase of the draft. 


Do your editing


You can seek the services of a professional editor. However, their services are quite expensive based on the length of the write-up. Proofread your draft with the help of Grammar Check.


1.      Conveying the wrong message


Revise your document with the Grammar checker available on the website of Whether it is an article, blog, or email, the written composition can convey a wrong message if they are filled with mistakes. 


2.      Impact on the reputation


Significant errors may pave the way for financial losses and tarnish the reputation of the company. The masses will lose faith in the composer and the company he is representing. 


3.      From a fresh angle


The right time for proofreading is once the contents are completed. You should also maintain a time gap of a few hours to a week before you decide to proofread. This will clear the remnants of the written piece you have in your mind, and you will now be able to view it from a fresh perspective. 


Utilization of technology


You should take advantage of advanced technology. Digital editing software is extremely helpful and will make your content error-free. Ensure a polished appearance by tackling the spacing issues and through the incorporation of bullets and paragraphs. Choice of an appropriate editing tool is of utmost importance because some may fail to note homonyms. These tools prove to be a boon for people who are not native English speakers.


1.      Do not get distracted


Before you commence the scanning work, you should ensure that there are no distractions. It is a wise idea to switch off your mobile phone and shut down your laptop for a short duration. Remain in a comfortable seating arrangement with adequate lighting. 


2.      Reading loudly


If you read loudly, you will detect typos and catch hold of missing commas easily. You will not be able to emphasize individual words through silent reading. As a result, missing out on sentences and phrases is a common occurrence. 


3.      Punctuation marks


In modern times many people tend to misplace quotation marks, face apostrophe issues or punctuation errors. For example, "they're" and "their" represent different meanings. Realize the importance of these symbols as they can modify the meanings if improperly used.


Taking a careful decision


It would be best to research extensively on the net to find the software necessary for editing write-ups. Go through the website to develop an understanding of the tools. You should have a thorough understanding of the merits and demerits of the software before you make the final choice. It is a prudent decision to go through the reviews of past clients.