Grammar checker

The English language is the most spoken language all over the world and there are people around the work who do all their jobs in this language.

Grammar check

Wrong use of any language becomes a reason of joke for many people and English is a kind of language where people become really judgemental as this is one of the most spoken languages in the world.

Grammar checker online

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

English Grammar and Spelling

English is one of the most interesting languages to learn as most of the people around the globe speak in this language thus it comes with an opportunity to converse with people who are living in the different parts of the world.

How to Improve Your Spelling?

Do you always want to have someone to spell check for your content? If yes!!! You need to work on it to improve.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

What to Look For When Choosing a Grammar Checker Tool?

Writing is an art and it needs perfection at every level. If writing is regarded as an art, the master that carves it is the grammar. If you have your grammar flow correct throughout your article or any other written up, the same would not only sound good, it would also be a piece to relish while reading. Know more:

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Spell checker – Easily Avoid Common Writing Errors!

Spell checker saves time
For presenting documents to clients to any piece of writing for your schoolwork, maintaining the right spelling is important. To present anything valuable and smart, spelling errors can create negative impressions. As you may be in a hurry when typing the document, a spell checker can help you rectify the spellings only when you check the document through the spell checker before submission. So, try to avoid your pitfalls and use Noun Plus for error-free results. The app can be used both for the UK and USA based spellings. The app comes with different features that help rectify any wrong spelling that you have written in the documents.

Benefits of using a spell checker

Spell checker offers many options, and some of them are detailed in the following part of the article.

Proper identification

The Spell check functions are done by different software that checks words from a digital dictionary that ensures whether the spellings are checked or not. The misspelled words are underlined or highlighted by the software. In this case, it is important that you choose the right software that ensures a better spelling checking facility. Also, no single spelling should be missed out and provide error-free documents. There are some spell checkers that can be used only as a spell checker whereas in other grammar checks can also be done.

Boosts your confidence

The spell checker offers better accuracy in your documents compared to other applications available. Also, by using a spell check, the writer can decrease the chances of wrong word typing in the document. With better typing habits, people tend to type fast and therefore, they may type wrong words when typing or framing any documents. If you are a genius in spellings, the wrong spelling can ruin your document. Irrespective of your spelling ability, you can go wrong while typing. Therefore, the spell check helps maintain accuracy.

Saving time 

Instead of reading a large document to find out any wrong spellings, the spell checker software can help. With the help of the software, you can check the whole document in a quick time, and it shall highlight the incorrect spellings. Therefore, the human editors are free to work and they do not have to check each line of the document for any incorrect spellings. So, for content clarity and writing method, this software will help.

Correct word suggestions

Most of the spell check software has correct word suggestion feature for any incorrect spelling that you write. This can help to make the sentence more attractive and meaningful. The word suggestion will be shown wherever you make the mistake of wrong words. Apart from taking the writing to the next level, it helps use accurate spellings.

Boosts your confidence 

If a student has a strong vocabulary, and he or she can write without any spelling errors, it boosts their confidence. But with the help of the spell check software, it is possible to get the right result. Therefore, using Noun Plus spell checker software is of immense benefit.

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Sunday, 15 September 2019

Know Why You Would Use Spellcheck

Use Spellcheck

When the content of writing is filled with spelling mistakes, it gives an impression of lack of care for the reader. We are left with the opinion that the work has been just thrown onto the page in a hurry. You and I don’t want to be on the receiving end either. Therefore before submission of any writing, it is imperative to check for any mistakes. 

But how do we make sure that our writings are free from spelling errors and other mistakes? It is possible with the use of the spell checker. Let us also try to understand further why the use of spell check tool is important especially for students and individuals involved in writing with limited time.
Spelling mistakes occur mainly due to lack of awareness of English words and in many cases, it is also due to quick work in limited time and we end up finishing at very high speed.

Why should we use a spell checker? The answer is very simple. The first being, it changes our writing performance. The spell check tool or software performs automatic checking of words and sentences and ensures our writing become correct and impressive. In the thought of completing a task of writing in time, we often fail to recognize silly mistakes. The spell check tools process our writing, compare it and finally fix it with corrections. The use of spell check tool improves the word choice with synonyms, adjectives, and adverbs suited for the text. It enhances the existing text enhancers and saves ample amount of time spending on grammar guides. 

Use Spellcheck

The sophisticated language processing solutions also offer editing and proofreading, checking on spelling and typos, and most importantly analyze the grammar writing. The use of spelling checker helps in avoiding common writing mistakes often repeated in various writing assignments. It transforms our natural writing into a clear and professional one. A corrected writing through the use of a spell checker improves the image we want to project through the writing. The sole purpose of this tool is to make our English error-free

How does a spell checker work? One just needs to put the text in the copy paste command and go for another spell check command. It automatically points out the errors and spelling mistakes. After mistakes and errors are pointed out, the corrections are then provided. The software is meant for executing its job in a perfect manner, giving no rooms for any further mistakes. The spell check is even more perfect for individuals with English as their second language. With the use of this checker, it does not matter when you are confused about words, spellings, sentence constructions or any grammar. The tool makes the content free from all probable mistakes.

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How Does Grammar Checker Work?

Students are a big asset for the world as the future lies in their hands. Everyone says that but no one understands the struggles of the students. The life of a student is very difficult. A student has a lot of pressure and faces many challenges in day to day life, including academic and non- academic. One of the biggest nightmares for a student is committing a grammar mistake.

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Wednesday, 14 August 2019

10 Interesting Facts about English Spellings That You Didn’t Know

Spell checker tool

Writing correct spellings is one of the most important things to be followed by anyone whether you are a student or a professional, if you write wrong spellings with the wrong grammar, it will make you feel ashamed and put your self-esteem down in front of others. So, it's better to improve your vocabulary, grammar, and spellings rather than getting embarrassed. There is some really helpful online software available that can help you in doing so. Whatever you write, before submitting it you can do a copy-paste in this online tool and it will show you your mistakes and will also suggest you how you can rectify them. You also might be interested in knowing some important and interesting facts about English spelling that you don’t even know still. Let us discuss them one by one.

1.    The shortest sentence in English is “I am”. To prove this, you can use an online tool which does the spell check and no error will be found in the sentence.

2.     “SWIMS” is a word which can be read the same if you turn it upside down.

3.    A pangram sentence is a sentence which contains all the alphabets in English. For an
a.    Example:  “A quick brown lazy fox jumps right over the lazy dog.”  This sentence is known as pangram sentence as it contains all the alphabets in English. You can use the spell
b.    Check methods by using online tools and find them out.

4.    “Hungry”  and “Angry” are the only 2 words in English that end with a “gry”. There is
a.    no other word in the modern English dictionary that ends with a “gry”.

5.    The top 10 most used words in English are “I”, “a”, “and”, “the”, “be”, “to”, “of”, “in”,
a.    “That”, “have” which get usage of around 25% of all the words used around the world.

6.    “Aegilops” is the lengthiest word in English dictionary whose each and every letter is arranged in alphabetical order.
Spell checker tool

7.     The word “Alphabet” is actually taken and derived from the first 2 letters of Greek
a.    Alphabet “Alpha” and “Beta”. Isn’t it amazing!

8.    English is the only language that is followed on air. To elaborate the fact, while you are
a.    In a flight and you are a pilot who is flying the airplane or if you are a crew member,
b.    You must know English in order to communicate on-air in case of an emergency as,
c.    English is the only language that is followed on air.

9.    A new word is getting added in the English dictionary in every 2 hours. Yes, it is true. That by the time you finish watching a movie; a completely new word will be added to the English dictionary. The calculation shows that in a single year, around 4000 new words are added in the English dictionary. Spell checker software will show you if there is a new word added recently in the English dictionary which means similar to the word that you are using in the sentence.   

10.    The word “girl” was previously used for kids and females. It was the synonym to the word “child” and irrespective of the gender it was used for calling small kids. Later the meaning got changed.

So finally to conclude the fact, it is very important to correct your spellings as well as the grammar to be accepted and entertained wherever you go. The online spell checker software can help you in doing so. It is also important to know the interesting facts about the language you use daily. 

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Infographic: 10 Interesting Facts about English Spellings That You Didn’t Know

Infographic: 10 Interesting Facts about English Spellings That You Didn’t Know

Writing correct spellings is one of the most important things to be followed by anyone whether you are a student or a professional, if you write wrong spellings with the wrong grammar, it will make you feel ashamed and put your self-esteem down in front of others. So, it's better to improve your vocabulary, grammar, and spellings rather than getting embarrassed.

 Know more:

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Know Few Essential Ways to Improve Your Grammar Skills

Grammar checker online 

Grammar is one of the most complicated subjects and it often creates problems for the students. Memorizing all the rules and keeping them in mind seems like a very difficult task and it often ends up in frustration for the students. What if somebody tells you there is another option which is much simple and yet effective. There are ways to master grammar in an engaging and fun manner.

There are certain steps that you should follow in order to improve your grammar. First step would be to keep a grammar handbook with you for reference in case of need. Then read as much as you can and then start practicing it by speaking and writing. You can then proofread your own writing. After all these steps, use grammar checker online for your write ups and then assess your mistakes and learn from them. This exercise will help you a lot.

Let us discuss these details further to improve your grammatical skills.

Get a Grammar Handbook

Purchase a grammar handbook and always keep it with yourself so that you can refer to it whenever and wherever necessary. You might face situations where you get stuck into a grammar related problem where you can’t utilize your grammar check online tool, and then this handbook will help you.

Read Until You Are Bored

Reading is a proven way to improve vocabulary as well as grammar. People, attempting to learn a new language, are always suggested to read the literature of that particular language. It speeds up the learning process, improves command and provides proficiency over the language. We suggest you to read anything and everything that flashes in front of your eyes. Read and try to find mistakes in the written material and think of the correct formation. This will give you a lot of confidence.

Grammar checker online 

Speak and Write

After you have read enough, start practicing by speaking and writing. Give yourself small exercises of speaking and writing about anything in around fifty to hundred words. You can also practice while writing your homework.


After you are done with your writing, always proofread it to see what mistakes have you done and try to rectify them. You may also refer to your handbook while doing so. Also, you can offer to proofread the homework of your friends for your own practice.

Use a Free Online Tool to See the Mistakes You Missed

It is not necessary that you will be able to spot every grammatical mistake you have done. This is where the online tool to check grammar will help you. By using this tool, you will be able to see the mistakes that you totally missed while proofreading. Try to learn from those mistakes and you will realize that the number of your mistakes is going down and the level of your confidence is rising up.

These steps are relatively a modern and more comprehensive approach towards learning grammar skills. You can use a free online grammar tool from NounPlus as it is sure to help you a lot. All the cool kids from the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and Germany are already using it.

How Does Grammar Checker Work?

Grammar checker tool
Students are a big asset for the world as the future lies in their hands. Everyone says that but no one understands the struggles of the students. The life of a student is very difficult. A student has a lot of pressure and faces many challenges in day to day life, including academic and non- academic. One of the biggest nightmares for a student is committing a grammar mistake.

Even the most accomplished writers often make grammatical errors but for a student, a silly grammar mistake could become a reason for embarrassment and low grades. Anyone could commit these kinds of grammatical mistakes and these mistakes are hard to notice when you recheck your work but these mistakes pop out as soon as the teachers, as much as, takes a glance.

All your problems can’t be solved easily but this issue could be resolved easily by just using grammar checker tool. This tool will point out even the most negligible mistakes and will offer suggestions to rectify them much before you submit it to your teacher and she points it out in front of your friends and classmates. The grammar checker tool works on different aspects of a write up. Let us discuss those one by one:

The Basic Grammar

This tool runs a check of the basic grammar in the whole write up. The basic grammar check includes checking the subject and predicate, noun, pronoun, adjectives, verb, adverb, phrases, prepositions, interjections, suffix, prefix, etc. A thorough check is performed at a lightning speed and the errors are pointed out with possible suggestions. This erases the possibility of any grammatical error at this level.

Grammar checker tool

The Ordering of Words

Students often get confused when it comes to the order and positioning of words in a particular sentence. This leads to some common grammatical mistakes which are committed by most of us without even realizing it. These mistakes are made out of sheer confusion. However, this tool can be highly useful for you if you end up making such mistakes very often.

The Construction of Sentences

The construction of sentences is a big hassle for many students. This has been continuing since centuries as sentence construction keeps eloping various students and they have always ended up with mistakes. However, this could be easily rectified by employing a tool that even checks the construction of sentences to find any mistakes.

Checks the Entire Paragraph 

This tool also checks the whole paragraph to point out any mistakes in the construction of the paragraph. The check is performed in keeping with the rules and context of the paragraph. This not only ensures that the ordering of sentences is logical but also makes sure that there are no general mistakes.

You might found various such tools online but very few of them have all these features. Almost none of the tools that have all these features are free except for NounPlus. Use this free online tool to find out your mistakes and rectify them for an error free writing. Many students from USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany and other parts of the world are already using it.