spelling and grammar accuracy is vital and also easy. Thanks to the arrival of
numerous online proofreading services, it is also fast and charge free.
How to correct grammar
is a tool that is simple, hassle free and doesn't require excess navigation for
running grammar checks. The home page provides complete information on how the
grammar check is run and what you should be looking for when you are running
the check. On the same page, an empty field states write sentences and after
you have typed your content that you want to run for the check, click on the
option for check that is given adjacent to the box. When you click there, you
will get the suggestions in the other column, right below the box where you
have typed the sentence. Two boxes will highlight the mistake and the
suggestion and you can use them as per preference or you can again run a double
check and look for more errors if there are any left. 
Why correcting grammar
through automated software is better than manual proofreading?
proofreading is among the easiest solutions for editing a piece. If you choose
to read on your own then you must possess an excellent flair for grammar or be
just as good as any professional proofreader to be able to catch the mistakes.
Here is how you can maintain grammatical accuracy in your pieces using the
feature of correct grammar by
1. Treat
every sentence in your work as an individual piece and ensure that complete
accuracy is maintained in terms of punctuation, meaning, syntax, etc.
2. Pay
attention to sentence fragments, capitalization, spelling, correct word
placing, vocabulary, etc and keep an eye for common errors and a pattern of
errors. When using Nounplus, make sure that you keenly observe the repeated
errors so you can easily spot them and limit them in future writing.

great trick for perfect proofreading is reading aloud the text as reading aloud
gets more of your focus so you will be paying more attention to your own text
and listening to it not as the writer but rather the listener. So, this will
help your criticize the work in a constructive manner and you will be better
able to find the flaws in terms of grammar. Besides, this option will also help
you develop more concise, simple and easy to understand way of writing that
doesn't lack quality either.
4. Also,
when a piece has been written, it is possible that you may not feel like
checking it for errors. So, it is always best to write the specific text, take
a slight break and check it for mistakes again sometime later. This option will
help you pull all your attention into the matter and you will be better
equipped handling with the issue.
rechecking the work usually does the job but when you are aware of the common
complaints, make sure you weed them out.